
The Man Who Moved a Mountain Part Bonus What Was Eds Perpetual Motion Holder

To really understand from where the premise of this article comes, the reader should have already read the article series that preceded this one: "The Man Who Moved a Mountain - The Incredible True Story of Florida's Coral Castle - Parts 1 through 4. These articles will produce an excellent portrait of the man whom this article pertains, Edward Leedskalnin.Coral Castle had no electricity except for what Ed supplied with an invention he tried to patent, which he called a "perpetual motion holder". The perpetual motion holder is widely misunderstood by everyone who studies it. To the author though, it appears to be a very basic concept.

The perpetual motion holder was a contraption that Ed built on a chassis of an old truck and mounted on the floor of his little shop. It contained a series of magnets that rotated. Ed explained that when the handle of the perpetual motion holder was cranked, the magnets in the device would chase each other for eternity.I believe this is the point where people get lost.They assume that Ed means that the physical magnets themselves are spinning around chasing themselves. If one reads Ed's material on magnetism, you will find that Ed believed that what science called electrons and protons could (in his opinion) actually be subatomic North and South pole magnetic particles.

Or that the electrons and protons themselves were negatively and positively charged. He believed that science had several things wrong about electricity and magnetism.I think what Ed created was a simple generator / capacitor, which would build up and hold an electrical charge.

When the physical magnets were spun in his perpetual motion holder, a flow of "subatomic North and South pole magnets" was created (ie electricity) and held.Since Ed believed that electricity was actually subatomic North and South pole magnetic particles chasing each other, I believe this is what Ed meant.Someone once stated that they had seen Ed's bicycle mounted to the perpetual motion holder in such a manner that Ed could spin the physical magnets by pedaling the bicycle. If the physical magnets were supposed to chase each other forever with a simple spin, why would Ed need to strap a bicycle to the machine? Wouldn't a simple spin of the magnets by hand cause them to start into motion just the same? Unless Ed was actually using the bicycle to charge the perpetual motion holder.I remember seeing a project where a college student recreated the perpetual motion holder as Ed described it in his writings. It worked exactly as Ed stated it would.

The student could build up an "electrical" charge using a battery charger and the perpetual motion holder would hold the charge for an infinite amount of time. The college student stated in his experiment that his perpetual motion holder was charged to a certain level then left alone for six months. At the end of six months, the current in the perpetual motion holder was metered and was exactly the same as it was when it was first charged.When the bar across the end of the perpetual motion holder was released, the current was also released. This bar was wired up to a light bulb and when the bar was released the light bulb flashed, signifying an electrical discharge.

Ed stated that he couldn't stop the "magnets" in his perpetual motion holder from chasing each other, unless he shorted a wire across the poles. Shorting a wire across the poles would have also released the current, as in the experiment above.On The Other Hand.With all of this being said, there is one thing that I feel I should add. I found what is apparently a very unusual method of dowsing for water. It was used by the same guy who discovered the "Bishops Rule" of dowsing in 1870, a French herdsman named Barthelemey Bléton.

Instead of the usual forked stick or set of rods, he would begin by holding both of his hands parallel in front of him with his elbows tucked against his side. Both hands would be about six inches apart and in the shape of pistols (thumbs up); as kids do when playing cops and robbers, etc.On top of both index fingers, a one foot long perfectly-rounded stick was placed (perpendicular to the fingers and parallel to the front of the body). It was held level.

Then Bléton would walk a specific area until the stick started to spin rapidly on his fingers - like the wheels of a race car taking off. This would signify a water anomaly was present beneath this position. He could tell the depth of the water body by using the Bishop's Rule.As a side note, my great-uncle was somewhat of a legend where he lived, because he found several excellent water wells for people. He once told me that he couldn't detect water if it was still; such as in pool in a cavern underground.

He could only detect it if it were flowing.Apparently the movement of water underground creates some sort of a geomagnetic flow.Perhaps there is a secret that "the ancients" and people like Ed found that allowed them to tap into this power for their building and/or experimenting purposes.

Keep in mind that great structures like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid have (or have had) water anomalies under them. For instance, the Great Pyramid used to have an underground river which flowed beneath it.Now, if the dowsing phenomenon Barthelemey Bléton utilized is true, then it is possible that the physical magnets in Ed's perpetual motion holder did in fact physically spin. He stated in his publications that the subatomic magnets moved in a right-hand twist, and at a high rate of speed. Could this magnetic movement be what made the stick spin for Bléton?.It is a known fact that Ed used a forked dowsing stick to find "something" when he was searching for the ideal place to build.

Some suggest that Ed was deliberately trying to tap into something called the "Harmonic Grid", which is a geomagnetic grid that encompasses the Earth. It is said that at certain points on this grid, there is much more magnetic power than other places and that the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, Coral Castle, and other monolithic structures are all coincidentally on this grid.Whether Ed was deliberately trying to find this grid is not known. However, it should also be stated for the record that dowsing for water prior to building a home was not unusual for old-timers. Think about it for a second?.

What good would it do to build a beautiful home at an "ideal" location, only to find that you have to walk 5 miles to get a bucket of water? The old-timers built their places around water. This way, they would have fresh water close by for drinking, cooking, and bathing as they built their new home? as well as after.Perhaps for people like Ed finding water actually served several purposes, some of which are unknown to 99.99% of the population.

I do believe one thing? If the concept of "dowsing" can cause a stick to spin rapidly, then I see no reason why someone couldn't create a geomagnetic motor on these locations to power generators and produce free electricity. It would really be no different than tapping into the power of the surface waters as we do now to produce electricity. Just on a different level.

Perhaps each home or community will have such a device in the future to supply their electricity? It's something to ponder anyway.Maybe this is what Ed invented in his shop? a geomagnetic motor. He once stated that his perpetual motion holder would solve the world's energy problems. Maybe it did and we just don't know it yet.If you want to see what's left of Ed's perpetual motion machine, visit Coral Castle in southern Florida. It's located approximately 25 miles south of Miami on Highway 1.

Coral Castle is open for visitors year-round and the cost of admission is currently $9.75 for adults. Children under 6 are free.


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By: Steve Shannon


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